Lovely Sundays

Ph. Ana Marta Sequeira (edited by me)
I’m wearing: Vintage blazer, ZARA pants (bought on sale) and bag, MANGO silk button down, H&M mohair jumper (bought on sale), CRAIE sneakers, NIKIBI necklace. Rings from ACCESSORIZE, COS and GOLD VELVET.

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I don’t know if it’s because I promised myself 2015 would be the best year of my life (yet), or perhaps because I am finally getting back on track with my life, lately I’ve been very devoted to my weekends (you’ve probably already noticed that through my Instagram).

I work my ass off during the week – between a 9-to-6 job, freelance work, classes and trying to launch my own project (I’m not even mentioning the blog here…), spare time is a very rare thing to have (and yet I am always behind on things!), so when Friday night comes I just switch off my semi-workhalic mode and try to relax and unwind. And it’s funny because even if I try to oppose to this by getting some work done it just doesn’t work, my body or mind just won’t let me focus somehow! This feeling, a few months ago, would be a tragedy causing me a terrible anxiety attack or something like that. Nowadays, as I’m learning that amazing thing that is ‘going with the flow’, I decided to get rid of my whiplash and instead, bring out all my good vibes to face life with a big smile. Turns out that’s half way to an happy life! Ah! Who’d knew? 😉

Amongst flee-market hoping with my friend Marta, lovely brunches and lunches, drinks by night, hang outs by day, playing tourist, or escape a little to unknown must-see places nearby (preferably by the sea), my weekends in Lisbon have been quite rewarding and joyful. Lisbon has this particular ability to make me feel joyful. When I look around there’s so much beauty and charm and there’s always something nice to do, see, try, know. Always. Alone or with company. Always. I even find it pleasant – I actually love it – to get lost! (Every-single-f***in’-day)

Maybe that’s one of the reasons why I realized this is probably where I belong (if one has to belong somewhere). I never felt at home in my hometown, quite the contrary – I always felt misplaced, misunderstood, like I was a big weirdo who couldn’t fit in (and I was). Of course I visit often, and there are good things, but mostly those visits only have my family and friends as motivation.

I can’t say, though, I don’t feel like an outsider at all in Lisbon – I do: I’m still a country girl, with an heavy northern accent (sometimes) and a funny way of expressing myself, but as time goes by I care less and less about whatever that means and makes me. I’m proud of the person I’ve become and those things are only part of my natural charm! 🙂

[ That and flats – sneakers preferably (these particularly) – ’cause I can’t imagine an happy sunday in a pair of gorgeous but torturing heels. No can do. ]

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